Summary Normally a claimant has to bring evidence to substantiate their claim on a balance of probabilities, ie that the facts on which they...
A Court of Appeal decision affirms that views of an OH doctor can be relevant evidence in a tribunal deciding whether there is a disability....
Laws that regulate surveillance of employees include the right to privacy in Article 8 European Convention of Human Rights, and the Telecomm...
Introduction If a case in which you are involved cannot be settled, there will ultimately be a hearing at which you as an OH practitioner wi...
Introduction As discussed on Tribunals: The role of OH, when giving evidence of fact, identifying the issues and preparing a statement for y...
Introduction Medico-legal work can be an interesting, valuable and even remunerative adjunct to your day-to-day practice. Even if you choose...
Note there are separate pages specifically on the role of OH practitioners in tribunal proceedings: see Tribunals: The role of OH. This page...