Next date:  Friday 28 June 2024

This course is now fully booked. Please email to be added to the waiting list and for information on future dates

Ill health retirement (IHR) is one of the most complex areas in occupational health and should only be considered when all other options, from reasonable adjustments to alternative work, have been explored.

This new one-day course from workshop from The At Work Partnership looks at how occupational health can advise employees and employers – to help make fair decisions, that are less likely to be challenged.

How will gaining this qualification benefit you and your organisation?

You will gain:

  • A detailed knowledge of how to give evidence based advice in ill-health retirement (IHR) cases
  • A comprehensive understanding of your roles and responsibilities – either as an OH doctor or
    OH nurse – in our separate breakout sessions
  • An insight into the complexity of scheme rules and relevant law
  • Enhanced comprehension of the ethical issues
  • An opportunity to learn from experience of others in our case studies and to benchmark your opinions with peers
  • Improved knowledge and understanding to assist in decision-making

Email to register for information on future events