February/March 2014 (vol. 10/5)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsStrong case for the HSE pp4-5
OH tax exemption pp5
Telephone triage pp6
Malingering pp7
Zero-hours zero balance? pp8-9
How long is too long? pp10-12
Meet the practitioner: Dr Bernadette Paver pp13
OH on the Falkland Islands
Collaborative research pp14-17
Occupational health practitioner and academic research collaboration
Protecting the sexual health of workers pp18-21
Sub-Saharan Africa and other high HIV prevalence regions
Hygiene matters pp22-23
The health and future of the occupational hygiene profession
Survey: Health screening at Recruitment, Part 2 pp24-35
Part 2: health questionnaires, declarations, medical reports and cost
Expert Witness: Disability: known and unknown knowns pp36-37
When does the employer know of an employee's disability and can it rely on OH opinion?