August/September 2023 (vol. 20/2)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleAdjusting OH pp03
SEQOHS standards pp04-05
Inactive travel pp05
Work-related suicide pp06-07
NHS workforce plan pp08
NHS absence pp08
Burnout in healthcare pp08-09
Disability gap pp09
Fear of getting COVID-19 pp10-12
Family-friendly legislation pp14-15
£200K HAVS fine pp15
Facilitating adjustments Introducing the JDAPT: pp16-18
a tool to help workers with chronic conditions access support
What can AI do for occupational health? pp19-25
Threats, opportunities and an ‘interview’ with ChatGPT
Accompanying persons in OH consultations: Part 2 pp26-32 CPD
Part 2: when employees are accompanied by a partner, friend, relative, interpreter or union representative
Pregnancy, health and work pp33-37
Supporting pregnant employees and new mothers at work: challenges and opportunities
Expert Witness: OH risks abroad pp38-40
Protecting an employee’s health as a justification for discrimination: foreign postings