August/September 2011 (vol. 08/2)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article News190 million lost days pp4-5
Neglect of older workers pp6-7
SEQOHS awards pp7
NHS Plus network pp9
Modern workplaces pp10
Data sharing code pp10
Employment Tribunals pp12
The safer alternative pp16-21
Safety-engineered medical devices can help prevent needlestick injuries
Violence at work, Part 2 pp22-24
Part 2: risk management strategies
OH professional practice, Part 2 pp25-33
Part 2: skills, decision-making, advice, information and professional development
A holistic approach to stress and wellbeing, Part 3 pp34-35
Part 3: combined effects of job characteristics on stress and other outcomes
Expert Witness: Pregnancy, maternity and IVF pp36-37
How the law protects women at work